1. Open the VRChat iOS app
  2. Visit the profile page for a user with a long world list, such as https://vrchat.com/home/user/usr_e94592d4-8923-4ce9-81e6-8a1ebebd2b45 (“Review List” category)
  3. Tap over to the Worlds tab
  4. Scroll all the way through the list until you reach the right side
Expected behavior:
This scrolls the list all the way to the right, and you can view all worlds in the list.
Actual behavior:
Somewhere along the scrolling you hit a bounce-back that you can never scroll past, as it repeatedly bounces you to an arbitrary point in the list. This arbitrary point also appears to change each time you visit this profile page, so repeated attempts may reveal more worlds.
iPhone 13 Pro, iOS 17.5.1