All World Sounds Play after Focus Change
After the recent update, all world sounds effects get triggered when giving focus back to the app or when changing between portrait and landscape orientations.
This happens in many different worlds, but only on the Android app (iOS/iPhone not tested).
Some sounds that loop, seem to just play constantly after they are started, unless the world plays the sound normally and triggers the sound to end.
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All audio sources in the world are played when the application regains focus
I'm not entirely sure, but I've seen it happen when the app regains focus, such as by rotating the device or opening and closing the notification center
Here's the test world:
Sounds like a duplicate of: all-world-sounds-play-after-focus-change
Bump, this happens on my Pixel 6a on version 1554
Doesn't matter if I set the volume to 0 or mute the audio source, when rotating the device, ALL audio sources play.
The only solution I can think of is to disable the audio source when not in use or swap in clips.
If any more information is needed, please let me know
this affects one of my worlds plz fix
As for today, in the build 1554, the problem still persists.
It happens also in the moments of sending chat message and closing the mobile keyboard.
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It is still happening on version 1495, if that is the question.