[1061] Selfie expression doesn't work with jaw flap
Selfie expression doesn't animate mouth open with avatar that has jaw flap setup, but it's work fine with avatar hat has bendshape setup. I've provided the avatar that works and doesn't work in this pose.
Avatar with viseme: avtr_efc7e282-5900-4909-8440-ae27c721757e
Avatar with without viseme: avtr_d756971a-6749-42be-8eb8-872570f57a1c
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The current system is only built to hook up with the viseme mapping in the SDK, so it's not a bug that jawflap doesn't function. But also there isn't a strong reason that it doesn't work, just that we're focusing on viseme avatars first. I've set the category to feature request for this one and status to "interested". Thanks for the feedback!