[1301] Scaling Physbones "hides" objects.
Spiro Renard
This issue involves a base model with a built-in collar that is "fused" and made invisible by setting the scale to 0,0,0. To make the collar visible again, an animation is played to change the scale back to 1,1,1. The collar has a root part that represents the actual collar, and physbone components that enable it to dangle around the neck/chest. In the beta version, when the collar is scaled from 0,0,0 to 1,1,1, the physbone components ("Tag" part) disappear and are nowhere to be seen on the model, causing unexpected behavior.
To replicate this issue, follow these steps:
- Create a base model with a Collar and a root part.
- Add physbone components to the collar for movement.
- Set the scale of the collar to 0,0,0 to make it invisible.
- Play an animation to change the scale back to 1,1,1 to enable the Collar.
- Observe that the "Tag" part of the collar with physbones is now missing and not visible on the model after upload.
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Merged in a post:
[1305] Scaling an active Physbone to 0 permanently breaks it
Scaling an active Physbone's transform to 0 on any axis completely breaks the bones and a related skinned mesh if applicable.
- Create a physbone
- Set it's transform scale to 0 on any axis
- Return it's scale to a larger value.
One of the gifs below shows an in game example and my first person mesh going invisible as a result of the scaling. For remote viewers and the mirror clone, the skinned mesh is fine (Minus the tail being stuck at 0 scale)
I've been using this method to scale my avatar's tail since physbones launched, so this bug is from a recent change.
available in future release
Issue has been fixed and will go out in a future release.
Kiro: Based
You guys didnt push this onto live did you? Cause Im not on the beta client and Im getting this very same issue now where physbones that are scaled to 0 wont scale to 1 via animation(yes set to "is animated" just incase.
King Nex
Catsix: no it is definitely live and not just you. Came back to see if it was fixed yet or not cause I'm seeing others with the same issue.. D:
getting the same issue too, also what appears to happen are bounding boxes appear to change/get moved while scaling, in my case toggles for the necklace and fox/ears which are scaled down by default, weirdly enough the tail on my avatar doesn't get affected.
in progress
This issue has been looked into and we are working on a solution.
i encountered the same issue.
bones that have a 0 to 1 scaling toggle, dont seem to work ingame.
The config shows, that the toggle is working properly, the physbone is animated, appears in unity properly, but on vrchat its not appearing.
i use write defaults off and already tried adjusting the animation to start from 0.0001 to 1, it didnt fix it. I tried it with the older and the newer version of physbones aswell.
It also happens on bool & int toggles and it doesnt matter if its a bone chain or a single bone
If the main transform scale of the bone that is being animated is 0|0|0
it will cause this issue, even if the bone is being animated to scale from 0-1.
Whenever i changed the bone scale of the hidden object to 0.0001, the issue is not longer appearing.
So the solution might be, to never have any bone on a scale of a full 0
I've run into this same issue - objects I animate the scale of have any child PhysBone components "disappear". When emulating with Av3Emulator, it also noticeably spams my console with errors, though I recognize it is not updated to beta. I'll post a picture of the errors anyway.
In my setup, I have a spawn-in animation for a container, and it scales it in. The PhysBone component is within the armature of a child object of the container. The wings on the bat object disappear, as shown in the attached images. These are both in Unity, with the missing wings when emulated, but this does occur in-game in the beta also.
Removing the layers with scale animations fixes the issue, and the PhysBone-affected components don't disappear.
I do use Gesture to animate this, and this happens with both PhysBone 1.1 and 1.0.
A workaround, at least for my case, is to not start the animation at a scale of 0 like OPs post does, too. Starting from a very small but non-zero number works.
This change/bug will still affect already uploaded avatars, but at least there's something to be done for new ones.
I noticed though bones I scale from a non-zero number are very jittery when animated on to full scale. If someone has a workaround until this is fixed please let me know.
Spiro Renard I've been unable to reproduce this given the instructions. Issues like this may be specific to your particular assets. If you are able to provide some sort of project file, even removing the renderable meshes would help, or an avatar ID if you have one available.
Spiro Renard
Kiro: I hope this helps!
This is a PC only avatar, and I quickly put it together.
You can simply go back and forth between live and beta to see the issue.
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