I think it would be interesting if instead of letting us make stickers that animate freely, they animate depending on the angle you're viewing them from, aka lenticular stickers.
I was discussing with friends the possibility of having animated stickers, but I argued that having animated stickers would make the sticker system more obtrusive and less "grounded in physicality" than I assume the VRC team is trying to make them.
Having the animation of stickers be handled this way would mean that they only animate upon the player moving parallel to it, which would be much less jarring and eye-catching when placed in a world. For example, seeing a sticker animating by itself in the background would be eye-catching and jarring, whereas seeing a lenticular sticker would appear as a normal sticker (except maybe shinier or something?) unless the player begins moving around it.
I think this would be a really elegant way of giving people their much requested "animated stickers" while maintaining the sticker system's physicality and unobtrusive nature.