[SDK 3.7.6-beta.1] Add back a way to switch platforms to the SDK
The new SDK UI has removed the button to switch to a different platform. While I get that the intention was that this is no longer needed due to multi platform building, it is in my opinion still needed.
When trying to create different versions for different platforms, e.g. texture overrides, it still makes sense to switch to that platform to see what it looks like. While I know you can still do this using the Build Settings, it's way more annoying to do so.
Please add back a button to the SDK that allows you to switch platforms, doing so would make development a lot easier.
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You can still do it by simply only checking only one platform in the target platforms.
So simply uncheck windows and check android to switch
orels While this is good to know it's not really intuitive to understand. I would like if this could either:
- be better explained in the SDK
- be separate from the build selection
orels Does this make Unity immediately switch the platform to Quest when you uncheck Windows and check Android?
There are things that need to be tested in-editor when switching to android that won't be possible if this only switches the platform during build time.
EvolvedAnt it does behave exactly like the old switcher when you check one platform only. You don't need to build to switch