[2021.]TMPro_InputField is whitelisted but not exposed.
available in future release
child of the beast
TMPro's InputField component got white listed a while ago, however it seems trying to do anything with it isn't.
It doesn't seem to be exposed in Udon and it's still marked as prohibited when trying to send events to it via UI events.
The only thing it seems i can do with it is have a user input text, use OnEditEnd to pull the value directly from the TMP Text. You cant then remove the text from the InputField making it weird to use in game.
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This post was marked as
available in future release
in progress
Fax any update? This is definitely a BUG.
narazaka: We're working on it! 😉
Going to bump this as this is STILL not exposed. And makes using TMP with InputFields unnecessarily complicated.
With the new copy/paste and keyboard option that's coming in the update, it would be nice to also get this working.