[3.7.6] Improve the UI/UX of the new VRChatSDK Control Panel.
Improve or rollback the Control Panel UI/UX of the VRChatSDK to the 3.7.5 UI.
The new UI in 3.7.6 has the following issues:
・The accordion titles are too large.
・"Name, Desc." and "Visibility" are placed next to each other, preventing further width reduction.
・Additional steps are required for "Build & Upload" and "Build & Test."
The first two issues, in particular, severely degrade readability when docking the SDK or displaying it in a small window.
At least in our team, we dock the Control Panel within Unity's tab system to prevent other windows from being hidden and to avoid wasting time dragging windows around. However, the current UI forces us to allocate extra space for the Control Panel, which is highly inconvenient.
Additionally, the accordion titles do not need to be this large.
...Changing the build type is also cumbersome.
(If we could request more, it would be ideal if the SDK Control Panel's width could be reduced to about 70% of its current size without breaking the layout.)
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The "upload last build" option is no longer available, forcing a rebuild on upload.
For large worlds, having to rebuild even if there are no changes after local testing is very annoying, as the build can take tens of minutes.
I also find it problematic to be forced to upload something that may not be identical to what was tested locally.
(I'm sure it's a hardware issue, but in my environment, corrupted binary got on rare occasions).
I agree. Also, the validations section should really not be hidden by default. This makes it even easier for those who don’t know or don’t care to completely skip over all the warnings and upload anyways.