A VRC_Pickup.Pickup() method would be nice. We have VRC_Pickup.Drop() which forces a pickup to be dropped. Pickup() would be a counterpart to this, forcing a grab.
There's cool stuff you could do with this, I'm imagining better two-handed manipulation of pickups, and surely there is a lot of other inventory-related stuff you could do.
Currently a common design for player inventory items is to spawn/teleport them to be floating in front of your face. Even if spawned at waist level or something, these items get in the way of clicking on other stuff, especially in desktop or mobile. It would be nice if udon could just put it in your hand, already grabbed, especially for non-vr players.
How I imagine it could work:
Call VRC_PIckup.Pickup(pickuphand) to basically emulate grabbing the item with that hand. If the hand's already grabbing something, this does nothing.
Even though the grab input isn't actually in the down position, their hand is holding the pickup, until the grab input is actually pressed (which is then ignored because you're already grabbing) and then released (dropping it like normal).
It might seem a little weird to have an object suddenly held in your hand without the input pressed, but still I think it's really worth having.