Default Sprite Material broken ingame
Any sprite using the default unity sprite material in the 2D sprite renderer will appear broken when it should have transparency.
In the screenshot attached, the 2 sprites on the left are using 2 different custom sprite shaders.
The one on the right is using the default shader.
The last time I uploaded a world with sprites was on Saturday. So something went wrong with vrchat inbetween then and now.
I've also tested 2 different sdks with blank projects and the results were the same.
SDKs tested on:
Also this only happens to new uploads/updated worlds.
I've also linked to the world with all 3 sprites shown in the screenshot if it makes it easier to test:
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Tupper - VRChat Head of Community
Apparently not fixed, but certainly not "In Progress."
Tupper - VRChat Head of Community
Closing due to age and because I'm pretty sure this was fixed a LONG time ago.
Tupper - VRChat Head of Community: This is in fact, not fixed.
Ruuubick - Designer
in progress
I could reproduce.
Three screen shots are:
- Unity Editor
- client
- local test
Three sprites are:
Left: Built in Sprites-Default material
Center: A material with Sprites/Default shader
right: Another material with Sprites/Diffuse shader
Sprites/Diffuse could be a workaround if diffuse matches your needs.
Pan Diman
If that's is what I think it is, this made one of my favorite features that make a world I'm working on look super trippy, and I'd like to have an option to keep it this way if possible.
Pan Diman: just turn off alpha is transparency in import settings and it should work the same way Pan :)