Adding TakeOwnership action from "Events from Scene" menu leads inappropriate parameter setting if previous action has certain parameters. And deleting action after editing this inappropriate parameter causes exceptions in SDK.
SDK version: VRCSDK-2019.
* Though I used AddAngularVelocity in the video, another actions can cause this. (Actions having vector parameter : AddVelocity, SetVelocity, AddAngularVelocity, SetAngularVelocity, AddForce. RPC having parameter. for example VRC_SyncVideoStream SetSyncType(LiveStream))
* Exceptions occur in another SendRPC action case. This issue is not limited to TakeOwnership.
* Internally, this issue seems be caused by uninitialized "ParameterBytes" property around line 555 of VRC_TriggerEditor.cs.
Explanation for Japanese:
"Events from Scene"からTakeOwnershipを追加した時に不適切なパラメタが埋め込まれることがある。このままだと動作しないものになる。
発生条件は、直前のactionがとある形式のパラメタをもつタイプで値が入っている事。(ベクトルを指定する AddVelocity, SetVelocity, AddAngularVelocity, SetAngularVelocity, AddForce や VRC_SyncVideoStream SetSyncType(LiveStream) などの RPC)
"Events from Scene"からの生成で"ParameterBytes"の初期化をしていないのが原因と思われる。