"All Friends" counter displays an incorrect number
buzer ~
The "All Friends" counter, located at the top-right corner of the page, frequently displays an incorrect total number of friends. The discrepancy is typically one or two friends off in either direction, but in some cases, the error is much larger. For instance, I once observed the counter showing 870 friends, while my actual friend count was 841.
It used to display the accurate number instantly, but now for me it takes approximately 7 seconds to accumulate, and even then, the displayed number is often incorrect. When I want to know my real number of friends, I have to open the network monitor in the browser and check the result of the auth/user request, which contains the accurate array of friends.
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yeah seems to have been broken for a long awhilee, either gives me a wrong number on refresh or after a while the number changes up or down for some reason