I'm constantly finding explanations of various functions available through udon to be a bit vague or leave out information or have "secret" problems... or require a lot of extra blind testing to find out what they do... some examples... OnPlayerLeft(VRCPlayerApi player) "Fired when a player leaves the instance" But will it fire for the player who left? Or is it only firing for the people who are still there? That's an important detail so I know if I can cleanup things for that player when they leave, or if I need to do it another way. VRCPickups -> OnPickup Is this firing ONLY when I pick it up, or is it firing when ANYONE picks it up? Some functions like OnPlayerTriggerEnter fire when anyone activates it, but I think OnPickup is different and only fires when YOU activate it... but I keep forgetting! I tested OnPickup multiple times before... but now it's been a while and I forgot which way it behaves... now I have to test it again to make sure... and it takes me so long to recompile and test... Well, in short; A small note like, "this will fire for all players" and "this will fire only for the interacting player" will be useful! --- Speaking of "OnPlayerTriggerEnter ", I've heard there's a lot of inconsistencies with it or situations where it and OnPlayerTriggerExit might not work - from what I hear "exit fails on many cases like stations, avatar change and sometimes just randomly". I don't know if these are bugs but this is important information, and even if it is a known bug, it could be listed as one explaining all the fail cases or proposed alternative (using bounds check). https://creators.vrchat.com/worlds/udon/players/getting-players/ "Above, you can see the bare minimum for a working call to GetPlayers. A better approach would be to construct VRCPlayerApi[] as a variable so you can reuse it." I am thankful for the example, but confused why someone would write an example, and then immediately say, "But there is a better way to do it that we didn't use for the example". I think a function example showing it being set up and used in a for loop to do something would be most helpful. ---- I was going to reply about how OnPlayerTriggerEnter also fails randomly when a player is teleported into it. But then I found out that this actually IS mentioned on THIS page: https://creators.vrchat.com/worlds/udon/players/player-collisions Personally, I think the note about the edge cases where it fails should be highlighted in red! It is pretty crucial that we know it isn't reliable at all. It also seems like players have figured out more of the edge cases, so more could be added to the list. Tbh, now I wonder if there are situations where it's 100% reliable at all? Is it really at the very least reliable when physically walking slowly into it? ---- I also noticed that pages under the "creators" prefix have a "Feedback" button... which I'm glad to submit feedback to! However, there is another page referencing OnPlayerTriggerEnter, which is the main page where I was actually finding the names of these functions to use while learning how to use UdonSharp. https://udonsharp.docs.vrchat.com/events/ There is no "Feedback" button on this page, and this page is missing a lot of those important details - rather is the inspiration that I make this post in general.