improve the req Invite problem
We don't know which state user is currently in when we send an invitation to a friend in another instance.
That makes sending req invite passive.
Even the receiving part cannot deliver the message "I can't invite you because I'm in the only room" to the person who sent me the Invite when User was in Friends Only, or Invite Only.
Therefore, I think it is necessary to disable the button so that people in Friends Only, or Invite Only Instance can't send req Invite, or, when I send Invite, to tell me which Instance the other person is currently in, along with a Decline message.
I think this is a good way to keep users from having more communication problems in VRChat.
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They can also implement a small message system that is limited to 200 words or something like that if that is easier. But yes, I agree a small indicator on the friends list or having it blocked to indicate you can’t send a request because they are in a friends only or invite only can be helpful since there no other way to indicate where that friend is at beside messaging them and not everyone uses discord or give their discord out to everyone.
Related by:
Provide some indication when a request invite is sent to a player in a friends-only instance
Misleading (or buggy?) text on request invites in friend-only instances
I smell google translate.
xxx_red_xxx: Yeah I used google translate
Entirely agree. Something needs to be improved here. I think the best option would probably be to add an automatic message when attempting to request, that simply says, "Unable to request due to instance type."
This would both avoid any misunderstandings about whether someone is receiving/responding to requests that they couldn't answer, and also avoid people mistakenly assuming the request/invite button is just broken.
TanqeR TanqR
I the emil is not to use just wtf dude help us
yes, its annoying as f..., and now they also block the api to send kinda custom messages, so you can no longer do anything about that.
<<user is in the same world>> intensifies
Leader MaXx
or maybe the request redirects to the room owner that would help too
I lost all my friends because I didn't have this.