Open VRChat, Join a world with an Index controller user Have them make a series of hand gestures and see if they are able to properly articulate their fingers individually or if the quest handshapes are shown. I've noticed over the past few weeks, alongside a few other friends, that the hand IK is having some issues when displaying handshapes to other users. It seems to primarily be affecting Index controllers. Locally I will see what I am doing fine, but others report that I am doing a different gesture. I have seen this issue happen with other users as well. An example I have from a Helping Hands class for VRASL: the teacher was showing a sign which I knew was done with another hand shape, but I saw the teacher using a "C" hand, which is the sort of cupped hand shape that Quest controllers usually have. I knew the teacher used Index controllers so I was confused and tried hiding his avatar and showing it, fixing the issue in this instance. Hiding and showing seems to fix the issue in most instances but having to do that every time is a huge hassle, if you can even identify that the bug is occurring. This issue is a big detriment to clarity in communication between people in the sign language community, as it's very difficult to tell if the issue is occurring until you've communicated for a while and realize that what they're saying makes no sense. It is also frustrating for users to have differences between what they're seeing and what others are seeing in general.